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Can't Find Next quest for Mist of Pandaria Introduction

업데이트됨: 2년 전
해결법 번호: 18046
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • I can't find the next quest to get into  Pandaria
  • I can see the airship for Pandaria but I am unable to locate the next quest

In order to unlock access to Pandaria, you'll need to start and complete the following quest chain:

If you have already reached level 50 or above and have not chosen Chromie Time to level in Pandaria content, you may have outleveled the content and quests are not being shown to you appropriately for this low level content. To view available low level quests, enable Trivial Quests tracking by checking this option in your minimap magnifying glass menu. You will then have to pick up the quest directly from the appropriate NPC: