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Can't Complete Quest - Warchief's Command: Desolace!

업데이트됨: 3년 전
해결법 번호: 273886
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • I can't turn in Warchief's Command: Desolace
  • The NPC for Warchief's Command: Desolace has phased out

If you are not able to turn in the breadcrumb quest Warchief's Command: Desolace!, it means that you have completed one of the follow-up quests in Desolace, which will prevent you from turning this quest. To fix the issue, simply abandon the quest, as it does not affect your progress in Desolace. 

Note: You can find the full quest chain under Series on the Wowhead page linked above. It is possible to start the questline with the quest Avenge Furien! in Desolace.