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Duplicate Empowered Battle Pass Locked After Chargeback or Refund

업데이트됨: 7개월 전
해결법 번호: 311705
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • I bought the Empowered Battle Pass again after refunding it and the tiers I've already earned are still locked
  • I repaid the Battle Pass after a chargeback but I can't access it
  • I got charged twice for the Battle Pass and refunded one, but I can't access the rewards now

Generally, it is not possible to purchase a duplicate version of the Diablo Immortal Battle Pass. In some cases, however, latency or other factors can cause a glitch in purchase process and it would be possible for you to initiate a second one by mistake.

Contact us for assistance If you have at least one successful payment (not refunded) for the Battle Pass in your Transaction History.