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Received no loot from Loot-Filled Pumpkin

업데이트됨: 7개월 전
해결법 번호: 345592
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • I defeated headless horsman and got a Loot-Filled Pumpkin and opened it and it didn't provide me any loot.
  • When I opened the Loot-Filled Pumpkin I received nothing

We have received several reports of this issue, however in most cases, the confusion is that you are only receiving Tricky Treats and Emblems of Frost which are immediately added to your currency / stack totals. 

Note there is no guarantee that the Loot-Filled Pumpkin will have specific items. The loot is randomly generated and it is possible that no epic items, masks or specific candy may be created.

If you discover a new issue, please submit a new Bug report.

Note: Bugs submitted in-game do not receive a personal response. Instead, they'll be directed to the teams responsible for addressing them.