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Restore Theramore Tabard / Mini Mana Bomb

업데이트됨: 2년 전
해결법 번호: 10412
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • I'm missing my Theramore Tabard after a faction change
  • I cannot summon the Mini Mana Bomb, but I have Theramore's Fall achievement

The Theramore's Fall Feat of Strength is account wide. However, the rewards Theramore's Tabard and Mini Mana Bomb are exclusive to the character that earned the Feat of Strength version of the achievement (not the new version of the achievement).

If you misplaced the rewards and your character has the achievement, visit Zidormi in Dustwallow Marsh and she will sell both items to you for just 1 gold each.

The Theramore Tabard can only be worn by Alliance characters, while the Mini Mana Bomb is only usable by Horde characters.