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Mythic Keystone Downgraded After Finishing a Mythic+ Dungeon

업데이트됨: 1년 전
해결법 번호: 121072
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • I completed a Mythic+ in time, but the keystone downgraded a level.
  • Mythic keystone downgraded after completing a dungeon

Mythic keystones will downgrade if the dungeon is not completed within the timer or if the character who used the keystone leaves the dungeon:

  • If you complete the dungeon but don’t make the timer, you’ll get a Keystone for a random dungeon that is 1 level lower than the one used.
  • If you don’t complete the dungeon, you’ll get a Keystone for the same dungeon that’s one level lower than the one used.

Running the dungeon again with the downgraded keystone will award a new upgraded keystone, as long as finished within the time limit.

If you beat the timer but your keystone appears to have downgraded, there may be a display issue. Log off and log back in, and disable your addons or reset your interface.

Customer Support does not upgrade, restore, or create keystones.