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This Folder Doesn't Contain The Correct Version Of This Game

업데이트됨: 2년 전
해결법 번호: 123231
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

This folder doesn't contain the correct version of this game. Please check the installation path and try again

  1. Click on the Blizzard log on the top left corner of the Blizzard app
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select Game Install/Update
  4. Click on Scan for Games and allow the app to search for Blizzard games on your computer. 
    • You may attempt to locate the game manually. By default, games are usually saved in C:\Program Files (x86)
  5. Once located, click on the big blue button Update
    • ​​When the game-update is ready the button will turn into Play
  6. If the issue persists, delete the Battle.net files 
  7. As last resort, uninstall and reinstall the game