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Unable to Pick Up Quest - A Mission of Unity

업데이트됨: 3년 전
해결법 번호: 177351
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • Not getting quest Mission of Unity
  • I am not being offered Uniting Zandalar
  • I can't pick up Uniting Kul Tiras

The quest A Mission of Unity (A/H) is pushed to your first BFA character after it completes the quest requirements in the following article. After you have completed Uniting Kul Tiras for Alliance or Uniting Zandalar for the Horde to unlock World Quests, additional characters that level to 50 will not be pushed A Mission of Unity; instead, these characters will be able to pick up the quest directly from the questgiver and immediately turn it in.