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Not Earning Experience in StarCraft II Co-Op

업데이트됨: 4년 전
해결법 번호: 244656
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • I'm stuck at level 5
  • I'm not getting experience in co-op
  • I lost levels, my levels were reset to 5

If you cannot get past level 5 it is because you are playing the free version of StarCraft II.

If you reached higher levels and you now see your level is 5, the explanation is one of these reasons:

  • You have logged in with the wrong Blizzard account or BattleTag. Exit the game, log in again, and make sure you log in with the correct account. 
  • You played during a free play promotion that has ended. Any experience that you earned during the free play promotion is saved in your profile. If you buy the product, you'll again see the level you reached.