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Missing Flight Paths

업데이트됨: 11개월 전
해결법 번호: 17781
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • Unable to use flight paths.
  • Flight master not offering flight paths.
  • I changed factions and I am missing some transports

Your character unlocks flight paths as you visit and talk to each Flight master. Some flight paths require a connection and will not work unless you also unlock the required connection first.

Transports which are tied to a specific quest-line must be unlocked through normal play, for example, the flight path to Mechagon or to Tazavesh.

Scouting Maps

In Modern WoW only, you can buy scouting maps which immediately unlock some flight paths for your character. Krom Stoutarm in Ironforge or Estelle Gendry in Orgrimmar sell most of them. 

These maps are account-bound and can be sent to alternate characters, even if the opposite faction or in another realm.

Boosted Characters 

Boosted characters have flight paths appropriate to their level automatically unlocked. 

Characters who Changed Faction 

When you change factions, you retain all the neutral flight paths you already discovered, and you automatically unlock in the new faction the basic flight paths that are equivalent to the one you discovered in your original faction. Additional, (non basic) flight paths can be learned through normal play on the new faction or by purchasing the relevant scouting map (see above). 

Transports which are tied to a specific questline must be unlocked by completing the questline, even if you already completed the faction equivalent on the original faction. For example, the flight path to Mechagon or to Tazavesh.