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Cannot Learn Shadowlands Legendary Profession Recipes

업데이트됨: 3년 전
해결법 번호: 277917
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • The recipes are shown as unlearned in my crafting book but are not listed on my trainer
  • I have 100 skill points in my profession but I can't learn the armor recipe from my trainer

To unlock the crafting recipes for the base items used to create Shadowlands legendary items, your character must have earned 100 skill level in the crafting profession and must have completed the Intro to Torghast chapter of any covenant campaign to unlock the Runecarver.

Once these requirements are met, the Runecarver will offer your character a special crafting quest. Completing the quest will unlock the ability to purchase the base legendary item recipes from the profession trainer in Oribos.