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No Loot from Wrath of the Jailer Bonus Event

업데이트됨: 3년 전
해결법 번호: 279089
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • I didn't get a piece of item level 183 loot from the Wrath of the Jailer bonus event in the Maw.
  • I didn't receive any loot at all from the Wrath of the Jailer event.

The Wrath of the Jailer bonus event is a special event in the Maw, similar to a world boss.

Like a world boss, this event has a weekly lockout, and the item level 183 reward is not guaranteed. It is very possible to receive only Stygia and reputation from the event.

Once locked out, the event will only award the standard gray loot that can drop from any mob.