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Not Enough World Quests to Complete Emissary Quest

업데이트됨: 2년 전
해결법 번호: 53593
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • There are not enough World Quests available to finish an Emissary quest
  • Cannot complete my active Emissary Quests, there are not appropriate World Quests up

In Battle for Azeroth, World Quests for Emissary Quests may be present in multiple zones.

Click on the Emissary Quest icon in the map to cycle through all the zones that have additional World Quests.

If you can't see any, you may have completed these World Quests before the Emissary Quest popped. New World Quests will be available before the Emissary Quest expires. 

If you are using a World Quest tracking addon, try temporarily disabling it.