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Canceling Your World of Warcraft Subscription

업데이트됨: 5개월 전
해결법 번호: 124492
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • I need to cancel my subscription.
  • How do I cancel my World of Warcraft subscription?

To cancel your subscription:

  1. Log in to your Games & Subscriptions page
  2. Click Manage next to the WoW account you want to cancel your subscription on
  3. Click Cancel Subscription
    • If this option isn't present, it means you did not have a subscription on this account, or the subscription was already cancelled

After canceling your subscription:

  • Your WoW account will remain playable until your current game time expires
  • You can set up a new subscription at any time
Alternatively, you may also want to pause your subscription instead of cancelling it.