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Paid with Boleto, Didn't Receive the Product Yet

업데이트됨: 3개월 전
해결법 번호: 11099
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • I just purchased a game with boleto, can you expedite the purchase?
  • I just made a purchase via boleto, but I don't see the product I bought available

Boleto bancario, Oxxo, Farmacias, 7 Eleven, SPEI, and Cobro Express payments will complete within 24 hours. However, if these payments are initiated on a Friday, weekend, or holiday, they may not process until the next business day.

It is not possible for customer support to speed up the cash payment process or manually grant the product. If you suspect there was error with your payment, please contact us and attach a clear scan or photo of your boleto and receipt to your support ticket.

Note: Make sure the verification code on your receipt matches the barcode on your boleto. If it does not match, you must contact the bank or retailer where the boleto was paid.