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Can't Complete Lunarfall Inn/Frostwall Tavern Quests

업데이트됨: 3년 전
해결법 번호: 11597
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • I can't turn in my Inn/Tavern daily quest
  • The NPC for my Inn/Tavern daily is missing

The daily quests from the Lunarfall Inn and Frostwall Tavern need to be turned in the same day that they are accepted. The next day, the Inn will cycle its patrons, and a new set of quest givers will arrive.

If you've completed the criteria for the quest and cannot locate the quest giver, it's likely that they have left for the day. You'll need to wait until they return to your Garrison and complete the quest on that day.

Remember that there are 3 floors - the ground floor, the second floor, and the basement. Some quest givers may also wander around outside on occasion.