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Can't Start Quest - You Can't Take the Sky from Me

업데이트됨: 5개월 전
해결법 번호: 126089
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • NPC is missing I can't start quest.
  • I abandoned the quest "You Can't Take the Sky from Me" and can't pick it up again.
  • Thisalee isn't where she's marked on the map.

Thisalee is a follower. First ensure she is not on a mission. If she is, you will need to wait for her return, and collect the mission rewards.

If you abandoned the quest and can't pick it up again because Thisalee isn't by the Treant Sapling as marked on the map, to locate her:

  • Go to Leafbeard the Storied <Ancient of Lore>.
  • Enter the moonwell nearby and walk through the moonwell's arch.
  • On the other side of the moonwell, to the right of the flower patch, you'll find a dirt path.
  • Follow the path. At the end of the path you'll find Thisalee.