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Changing Loa in Zuldazar to Pa'ku or Gonk

업데이트됨: 2년 전
해결법 번호: 178120
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • I'd like to change my loa, but there doesn't seem to be a way.
  • Stuck with Gonk, but I want to be with Pa'ku.
  • I'd like to swap my loa to Gonk or Pa'ku from Jani

To switch your loa to Pa'ku or Gonk, speak to Chronicler Ash'tari. Speaking to either loa will allow you to complete their questline if you have not done so already, and if you have Jani currently chosen as your loa, will switch the scrappers in Jani's locations back to mysterious trashpiles.