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Blizzard Games Uninstall Every Time Computer Restarts

업데이트됨: 2년 전
해결법 번호: 199181

일반적인 문제:

  • My app can't find my games when I restart the computer, and when I go to the installation folder they're not there
  • My app is asking me to locate my games every time I log in again

If you are having trouble with your app not being able to find your games, or your games are being uninstalled when you restart your computer, try the following:

  1. Open the Battle.net Desktop App, go to Settings, then click the Downloads section. Make sure the default install location is not set to a Battle.net version folder (Battle.net.#####).  If it is, change the location to a different folder then reinstall the game.
  2. Reinstall the Battle.net Desktop App on the main drive with your OS installation, then create a separate folder for game installs on the secondary drive.
  3. Update your drivers and operating system
If this does not fix the issue, contact us