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Can't Find NPCs in Wetlands and Arathi Highlands

업데이트됨: 4년 전
해결법 번호: 239345
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • Zone is completely empty. There's no NPC or creatures.
  • I can't visit the Fire Festival bonfires in Arathi Highlands or The Wetlands, they're not there.

For Horde characters, the Azshara quest Twilight Skies must be completed to unlock Arathi Highlands and the Wetlands. To resolve issues with missing NPCs, follow these steps on the affected characters:

  1. Make sure Trivial Quests tracking is enabled on your minimap
  2. Go to Azshara
  3. Pick up the quest Twilight Skies
  4. Complete Twilight Skies

This should resolve phasing for both zones.

Note: If you are having problems visiting Arathi Highlands because it is phased for a warfront, visit Zidormi to change your phasing.