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Tax Information

업데이트됨: 3개월 전
해결법 번호: 264136
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • I was charged sales tax on a subscription but my friend wasn't.
  • Why am I being charged a sales tax?

United States

Blizzard Entertainment is required to collect state sales tax on certain online purchases. 

In most cases, the Battle.net Shop and account management pages display tax alongside the purchase price. If you see the incorrect tax applied to your order on checkout, please verify the accuracy of your billing information. Subscription purchases will not list added tax; if you live in a state that collects tax on these purchases, your financial statement will show the total paid including taxes. Subscriptions which are bundled with other products may have a higher tax than standard subscriptions.

If you want to learn more about your state or local tax laws, check your local tax regulations or speak with a tax advisor in your area. For questions or concerns about these taxes or your specific tax rate, contact your state’s Department of Revenue.


Blizzard Entertainment is required to collect sales tax on certain online purchases made in Canada. Taxes are calculated and added at checkout and the final price displayed before payment.

If you want to learn more about your local tax laws, check your local tax regulations or contact your local Department of Revenue or Revenu Québec.


When paying in Euro/GBP, prices in the Blizzard Shop includes VAT.