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Didn't Receive a Covenant Mount

업데이트됨: 2년 전
해결법 번호: 278032
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • I just joined my covenant and didn't get the mount
  • I didn't receive the mount for reaching Renown 39
  • I didn't receive the Elysian Aquilon after hitting Renown 45

Covenant Mounts are among the rewards granted at certain renown levels and from certain quests in the main Covenant Campaign for Shadowlands content. You can check the rewards granted by renown level using the ingame renown level tracker. For a full list of Covenant mounts and how to earn them, check out the Covenant Mount Guide on Wowhead.

When you earn a covenant mount, you will receive it in your inventory. If your inventory is full, the mount will be sent to your mailbox.