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Can't Start or Complete In the Blink of an Eye

업데이트됨: 3년 전
해결법 번호: 51619
제품 관련:

일반적인 문제:

  • I have no portal to Dalaran crater to witness Dalaran's teleportation
  • I boosted to 120 and I'm not being offered the quest In the Blink of an Eye
  • I skipped the introductory quest line to the Broken Shore and now I can't start the class order hall quests

During the introductory quest line to the Broken Shore you are asked to speak with Recruiter Lee (Alliance) or Holgar Stormaxe (Horde). If you boosted to 120 or you you already completed this quest line on a different character, you will have a choice to skip the scenario.

If you skip the scenario, you are immediately teleported to Dalaran, the quest "In the Blink of an Eye" is marked as complete for your character, and you immediately receive a Dalaran hearthstone. You are ready to start questing in the Legion area and working on your artifact.

Instead, if you complete the scenario, you will be asked to visit Dalaran and witness its teleportation. Taking the portal to Dalaran is optional and you can simply take a flight to Deadwing Pass to continue with the quest.